AROUND THE PARK AGAIN by Sharon Lee Tegler

Brought to you by Jing Ying Institute of Kung Fu & Tai Chi

and Lean On Dee Senior Home Care Services
Entering Homestead Gardens in Davidsonville at 5:30 pm last Wednesday, we followed the crowd to the lush surroundings of the store’s greenhouse where a festive Green Drinks gathering hosted by Annapolis Green was getting underway. Lines had formed at the Annapolis Green table where guests were checking in and/or making donations. A number of people had already entered and were viewing displays from 13 GreenGive partners.
We followed the crowd to the Annapolis Green registration table…. …and then to the wide expanse of environmental organization displays beyond.
Held annually, the 2024 Green Drinks event at Homestead was a fun kickoff and way draw attention to the GreenGive partner organizations ahead of their online fundraising drive that will take place June 4th and 5th.
We’d been to a Green Drinks event before, so we reckoned we’d run into people we knew. Sure enough, we immediately bumped into Barbara Gill who we’d last seen at a Greater Severna Park & Arnold Chamber “Successful Women In Business” meeting. Gill, an eco-educator and Annapolis Green member, said she planned to return to Homestead Gardens on the weekend to display her line of Melaleuca “wellness” products at the Davidsonville Green Expo.

Wandering on, we visited a display for the Anne Arundel County Watershed Stewards Academy located in Millersville. Over the years, we’ve visited many of the capstone restoration projects undertaken by graduates of the program and have been impressed.
Projects range from stormwater runoff and watershed restoration initiatives to reforestation efforts using native species.
Next to the WSA booth, we found Severn River Association‘s Grace Weeks deep in conversation with guest Elizabeth Rosborg who is with the Arnold Preservation Council. Weeks, SRA’s Chesapeake Conservation & Climate Corps member, was explaining the importance of Water Quality Monitoring in the Severn to the organization’s Oyster Restoration program.

Nearby, we found Development and Communications Director Charlotte Graves and Community Outreach Assistant Lily Hariton similarly engaged at the Arundel Rivers Federation table. Hariton explained that the Arundel Rivers Federation is dedicated to protecting, restoring, and preserving the South, West, and Rhode Rivers and surrounding watershed.
She noted that AFR’s staff includes South, West and Rhode River Riverkeeper Elle Bassett who is responsible for patrolling local waterways, tracking down sources of pollution and identifying problems that impact water quality among other things.

Board member and volunteer Pat Morrison represented Unity Gardens which offers grants of up to $1000 to non-profits such as schools, religious organizations, scout troops and community groups to purchase native plants for conservation landscaping.
Volunteers like Morrison not only help local communities fund their projects but educate them about using the power of native plants to address issues like stormwater runoff, pollution and habitat loss.
We paused for just a few moments to check out a tasty array of hors d’ oeuvres from Annapolis-based Bread and Butter Kitchen and enjoy being entertained by local band The Sandpipers
Guests enjoyed tasty nibbles form Bread and Butter Kitchen….. ….and timeless tunes from The Sandpipers.
Strolling about again, we briefly visited the display of the newly formed Chesapeake Crossroads Heritage Area which was touting the state’s upcoming Maryland Day activities. The activities included partner Severn Crossroads Foundation’s Maryland Day event at their 1840’s Schoolhouse behind Historic Baldwin Hall.

Crossing the aisle between exhibits, we spied Good Neighbors Group executive director Julie Shay with Spa Creek Conservancy board president Amy Clements. The two organizations were sharing a table.
Spa Creek Conservancy board president Amy Clements with Good Neighbors Group executive director Julie Shay. The two organizations were sharing a table.
While Clements and other board members were touting Spa Creek Conservancy’s efforts to clean up and restore the watershed, Shay was promoting GNG’s 22nd Annual Earth Day Festival being held at Earleigh Heights Volunteer Fire Company on April 27th from 10 am till 2 pm.
Of the remaining non-profit organizations participating, we explored the Scenic Rivers Land Trust (seen in the opening photo) which is dedicated to protecting the forests, wetlands, farmlands and other open spaces that make Anne Arundel County special. We also checked out the Maryland Reentry Resource Center seen on the right in the photo below. The MRRC seeks to ease the transition of an incarcerated individual from prison or jail back into the community.
Last of all, we noted the crowd forming around Dennis Fravek and David Rose from the Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary in Lothian and waited our turn to speak with them. Though we’d once visited the sanctuary, we’d forgotten how large it was. Fravek and Rose reminded us that the wetlands are located within the tidal reaches of the Patuxent River in southern Anne Arundel County and protect about 1,700 acres of unique tidal freshwater marshes, forested wetlands, upland and riparian forest, creeks, meadows, pine and sand barrens, and fields along the Patuxent River.

Before leaving, we enjoyed being introduced to Annapolis Green’s executive director Tilly Coyle and the organization’s co-founder Lynne Forsman. They were both excited to tell us that the next Green Drinks is at Garten in Severna Park on May 16. The theme will be edible gardens, sourcing locally and highlighting sustainable businesses of Severna Park. Considering that Garten is surrounded by lovely gardens full of flowers and edible spring produce, it’s the perfect location.

Stay posted for information about the GreenGive and consider making a donation by visiting Annapolis Green – connect, inform & take action with local environmental info .
Friends of Anne Arundel County Trails organizing Earth Day cleanups
The Friends of Anne Arundel County Trails are organizing multiple clean-up locations along our trails on April 19 and 20. Volunteers are needed along the WB&A Trail at Odenton Babington Green on April 19. On April 20, the Friends will be working along the B&A Trail at Arnold Station, Hatton-Regester Green, Earleigh Heights (for vine removal), at Flower Beds #57 and #58, and at the Sun Station. They’ll also be working along the South Shore Trail at Millersville Road on April 20. If you are interested in joining the effort, contact the Friends at
The Around The Park Again column is brought to you this week by Jing Ying Institute of Kung Fu and Tai Chi at 1195 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd. – For over two decades providing martial arts training that improves cardio-vascular health, strength and flexibility while reducing stress. Jing Ying is again bringing Tai Chi to the Severna Park Community Center.)

and by Lean On Dee Senior Home Care Services at 815 Ritchie Hwy., Suite 206 – When you need someone to lean on, Lean On Dee. Their experienced team of personal care management specialists and friendly companions provide high quality consistent care.