Shop Local event returns to Park Plaza with ideal weather

AROUND THE PARK AGAIN by Sharon Lee Tegler

Brought to you by Jing Ying Institute of Kung Fu & Tai Chi

and Lean On Dee Senior Home Care Services

Great to see all those vendor tents – in fact so many vendors we couldn’t mention them all.

Following the Greater Severna Park & Arnold Chamber’s blustery, less than optimal, SHOPTOBERFEST last October, the organization decided to move their Spring Shop Local Fun Festival back to the more conveniently located Park Plaza.

We’d heard that some local businesses were feeling the effects of inflation, so it was reassuring to see several dozen vendor tents as we drove into Park Plaza.

Entering the event, we found Chamber CEO Liz League telling Higgins & Friends Pet Sitting owner Jill Weissenbach that she breathed a sigh of relief when she woke up to find the previous evening’s heavy rains had stopped and the skies were clear.

We caught up to Chamber CEO Liz League and Higgins & Friends Pet Sitting owner Jill Weissenbach checking out jewelry at the Swarowski Jewelry table. League was all smiles since predicted rains stayed away. Photos by Sharon Lee Tegler

“My prayers were answered. I couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day,” she told Weissenbach. “The temperatures are great and there’s even a nice breeze.”

As planned, the 2024 Spring Shop Local Festival had something to please everyone. There was plenty of fun for kids with games offered by SPAN, Inc.’s Michelle Sabean (as seen in the opening photo) and Mardy Williams and Peggy Wolfe from Trinity Bible Church. There were additional games and toys at the side-by-side tents of the Play Street Museum and Franklin’s Toys.

As always, pets were welcome visitors at the Shop Local Fun Festival. While not exactly delighted with the current state of affairs this pup was only too happy to wander among the dog friendly booths.

“Well, I’ve been to the vet, I’m wearing this thing around my neck, and now we’re shopping. I need a treat,” thought the beleaguered pup.

Luckily, the Pup Camp booth had a slew of Puppylicious Gourmet Treats that were yummy.

Then there were dog biscuits at Higgins & Friends and Pupsicles at Fieldstone Animal Inn and more dog biscuits at Ally 4 Pets.

Colorful clothing and gifts at the Naturally In Knots/120 Wellness tent drew lots of shoppers.

Festivalgoers could also shop till they dropped. In addition to stopping at Kathy Walker’s Swarowski Touchstone Crystal jewelry table, shoppers flocked to the booth shared by Naturally In Knots and 120 Wellness which featured colorful clothing, candles, gifts, and herbs as well as homeopathic remedies.

They also beat a path to Danielle Bowen’s Blended Essentials booth where there was a rush on jewelry, candles, soaps and delightfully fragrant bath products.

Danielle Bowen’s Blended Essentials booth was a popular stop for Mother’s Day gifts.

“It’s been so busy here with people looking for gifts for Mother’s Day that there’s so little left,” Bowen said. “We sold out of all of our bath bombs.”

Gifts for Mother’s Day, upcoming graduations and weddings and every other occasion were the stars of Side Street Framers & Gift Gallery that spread the length of several tables. Artwork by local artists, jewelry and crafts by local artisans, and charming floral arrangements of lavender and herbs graced the tables.

We found Side Street’s owner Dawn Wilson deep in conversation with Larry Sells of Larry Sells Consulting. The two were lamenting the recent departure from Park Plaza of 32-year anchor business Ledo Pizza which was unable to negotiate a new lease and relocated to 342 Ritchie Highway.

“It’s so sad to see the former Ledo’s empty,” Sells said. “We held a lot of events there and it was a great family place too. Sullivan’s Cove, the next storefront over, is gone too.”

Side Street Framers & Gift Gallery owner Dawn Wilson greeted friend Larry Sells of Larry Sells Consulting. Sells related the latest news from the business community before checking out the paintings.

Such is the high cost of doing business in the heart of Severna Park these days. Figuring that no one has his finger on the pulse of the business community better than Park Hardware owner Rick Miller, we stopped by his tent for a chat. We found him behind the Park Hardware car for the occasion, a 2024Tesla Cybertruck that was drawing a lot of attention.

Owner Rick Miller (far left) and the Park Hardware/Zeskind’s staff really dug their modernistic ride – a Tesla Cybertruck.

Miller was enjoying a dose of satisfaction because Park Hardware’s first Native Plant Sale the previous day was a tremendous success and brought a number of new customers into the store. Having taken over ownership of the former Clement Hardware a little over a year ago, he notes that people are still getting acquainted with Park Hardware. The sight of a tent full of reasonably priced native plants on the parking lot definitely created interest.

“We didn’t have as great a winter as we’d have liked. The fact that folks are really watching their budgets has probably been a factor,” Miller said. “But business is really starting to pick up again with more and more customers coming in.”

Brand new to the Shop Local events, the All the Buzz Native & Pollinator Gardens tent was quite a hit with the crowd. Owner Erin was “giving away” Blue Eyed Grass pollinator plants that produce lovely blue flowers when in bloom and draw bees. She was also selling transplants of more specialized native and pollinator species like Mountain Mint and Coneflowers.

Erin, from All the Buzz Native & Pollinator Gardens, was giving away Blue Eyed Grass transplants and selling better-known native and pollinator species like Mountain Mint and Coneflowers with the assistance of one small daughter and one cuddly Panda.

With the Primary Elections just three days away on May 14th, several political organizations and candidates had booths.

Clad in red and blue to match the patriotically decorated Severna Park Republican Womens Club tent, Amy Leahy greeted many festivalgoers throughout the day and urged them to come out and vote in the primary.

Amy Leahy greeting visitors to the Severna Park Republican Womens Club patriotically decorated tent.

We also happened along just as LaToya Nkongolo, who was running in the Republican Primary for the Board of Education – District 5, took a break from her tent to visit the neighboring tent of Lean On Dee Senior Home Care Services’ owners Winsome Brown and Danielle Morgan Brown. (We extend our congratulations to Nkongolo who won her primary.)

Sisters Winsome and Dee were spreading the word about the Caregiver Retreat their business is holding for caregivers or care partners this Saturday, May 18 from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm at Harundale Presbyterian Church. (See announcement below for details.)

One of the Spring Shop Local Fun Festival sponsors, Maryland State Delegate Heather Bagnall spent a few moments talking with her friend Mary Ann Jung who is well-known as historic reenactor whose most famous roles are those of Queen Elizabeth l and Queen Anne Boleyn and, more recently, —– and Julia Child.

This year’s Shop Local Fun Festival featured music and entertainment including a demonstration from Kwon’s Tae Kwon Do students. As with other festival sponsors, Kwon’s logo flashed from the mobile advertising screen just as the student’s performance began.

Jing Ying’s Nancy Greer and friend Marie Lovelace had time to catch up.

A sponsor as well, Jing Ying Institute of Kung Fu and Tai Chi had an elaborate booth but chose not to do a demonstration this year. That meant owners Nancy and Billy Greer had time to spend greeting people at the booth and hanging out with friends.

Two businesses associated with self-defense took part in this year’s Shop Local event. The first, In My Defense, was new. The second, Kogen DoJo Self Defense Academy, with locations in Severna Park and Annapolis, has been a Shop Local event participant for some time.

We give a nod to one more organization that is looking for a home in Severna Park. According to Severna Park Museum volunteers Mary Vogelsang and Sharon Wood, the organization has been looking for a place in which to highlight the town’s history through their collections but building rents are quite high making their quest a difficult one.

Mary Vogelsang and Sharon Wood told us that the Severna Park Museum is “looking for a home”.

The Greater Severna Park & Arnold Chamber of Commerce’s next event is a cocktail reception being held at Garten on May 23rd recognizing the community’s Small Business Awards winners and nominees. For updates, visit Greater Severna Park and Arnold Chamber of Commerce (

Filling The Caregiver’s Cup with a Caregivers Retreat

Lean On Dee Senior Home Care Services is hosting a Caregivers Retreat this Saturday, May 18th at Harundale Presbyterian Church, 1020 East Way in Glen Burnie from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm. The Retreat is supported by sponsors Chessie Senior Movers, Inspirations, University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center, Spring Arbor Senior Living and OutLook byThe Bay. It is designed to provide information and activities for Caregivers or Care Partners that restore and replenish the mind body and spirit of those caring for a loved one, spouse, sibling or parent. The cost is $10 per person. For information, call 410-541-6246.

Hon Style Sweets is bringing Jessica Zaleskiwicz’s fudge and chocolate back

Those who remember Coco Couture will be delighted to hear that chocolatier Jessica Zaleskiwicz will be opening a new shop she is calling Hon Style Sweets in Pasadena with a grand reopening scheduled for May 24 and May 25. Located at 2608 Mountain Road, Suite 1 by Lisa’s Deli, the shop will be carrying Zaleskiwicz’s fudge and chocolate. No doubt Hon Style Sweets will have a touch of her own unique style.

Chocolatier Jessica Zaleskiwicz showing off her chocolate high heels at Coco Couture in 2015.

The Around The Park Again column is brought to you this week by Jing Ying Institute of Kung Fu and Tai Chi at 1195 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd. – For over two decades providing martial arts training that improves cardio-vascular health, strength and flexibility while reducing stress. Jing Ying is again bringing Tai Chi to the Severna Park Community Center.)

and by Lean On Dee Senior Home Care Services at 815 Ritchie Hwy., Suite 206 – When you need someone to lean on, Lean On Dee. Their experienced team of personal care management specialists and friendly companions provide high quality consistent care.

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